Sunday, November 27, 2011

Freight Traffic - A Case For Higher - Speed Rail

Last weekend, I took the opportunity to visit the Amtrak special exhibit train marking 40 years of passenger service. It highlighted current services, the history and future hopes for train travel in California and across the nation. One of the organizations represented was the National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP), whose mission is to create "a modern, customer-focused national passenger train network that provides a travel choice Americans want."

For those looking for a less expensive and more realistic alternative to the newly proposed mega-billion California high-speed rail system, they offer Amtrak system enhancement as a good choice. A NARP volunteer said the group promotes "higher -speed rail" rather than high-speed rail. NARP's plan would enlarge existing intercity routes across the nation and increase the number of communities served, accessibility, safety and frequency of Amtrak schedules.

They seek building additional tracks, separating freight traffic and more above- and below-grade crossings, with much of this accomplished by using historic tracks, existing right-of-way and long neglected passenger routes. Trains then can maintain a constant 90 mph with fewer obstructions and safer interfacing with other ground transportation and pedestrian infrastructure. NARP's plan requires far less disruption of property and a smaller environmental impact. Its completion timeline is much shorter.

Find more information on NARP's website at . Help bring about a sensible and affordable passenger moving system to California. No need to reinvent the wheel.

Rich Partain


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