Sunday, June 17, 2012

Criminal Trial - Sandusky Strategy Emerges After Trial's First Week - News

BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) After a gripping, emotionally charged four days of testimony that saw eight men from 18 to 28 years old tell jurors that Jerry Sandusky sexually abused them as children, the former Penn State assistant football coach will soon get to tell his side of the story.

Sandusky himself could take the stand in his own defense at his criminal trial , but it's not certain that will happen.

During his first remarks to jurors, his lawyer Joe Amendola suggested he might, though the jury has already heard an audio recording of a stilted television interview Sandusky conducted shortly after his November arrest, denying the allegations against him.

Amendola's opening statement, court documents and four days of witness cross-examination provide something of a road map to the defense's strategy, which has been aimed at creating enough doubt in jurors' minds to avoid a conviction that could send Sandusky to prison for life.

The defense has sought to show how the stories of accusers have changed over time, that they were prodded and coached by investigators and prosecutors, that some are motivated to lie by the hopes of a civil lawsuit jackpot, and to paint Sandusky's interactions with children as misunderstood and part of a lifelong effort to help, rather than victimize them.

"Jerry, in my opinion, loves kids so much that he does things none of us would ever do," Amendola said at the start of trial.

Lawyers pursuing a credibility defense try to give jurors reasons to disbelieve the narrative presented by prosecutors, and a financial gain motive or a changing story can be part of that, said University of Pittsburgh law professor David A. Harris.

"This is all standard procedure for building a reasonable doubt defense," said Harris, who has worked as a defense lawyer and prosecutor. "What they don't have here is any way to say, 'OK, these kids have been molested, but somebody else did it.'"

The first four days of testimony, however, may have already cast the die, if jurors have made up their minds about the credibility of the eight accusers, young men ages 18 to 28, six without a father in their lives, three who have never known their fathers. That doesn't mean they can't be swayed by defense evidence, and the judge will caution them to keep an open mind, Harris said.

"But what we're talking about is human nature here, and people have heard a lot already," he said.

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